Assignment - Animal Cells

Learning Intentions

  • To learn the organelles that make up animal cells


Please watch the following video on eukaryotic animal cells.

Eukaryopolis - The City of Animal Cells: Crash Course Biology #4 (11:34)

A White Blood Cell Chasing a Bacterium (0:28)

The artist Noah Scalin has created a series of beautiful "Portraits of Innovation", using clothing and other items arranged on the floor.

Procedure - At Home

In self-chosen groups of 2, using objects from around your house, take a picture of an animal cell that includes the following organelles, all in one picture. The Wikipedia image for an animal cell is a good place to start your research.

  1. Cell membrane
  2. Cytoplasm
  3. Cytoskeleton
  4. Centrosome
  5. Ribosome
  6. Mitochondrion
  7. Golgi apparatus (a.k.a. Golgi body)
  8. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
  9. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
  10. Vacuole
  11. Lysosome
  12. Nucleus
  13. Nuclear membrane (a.k.a. nuclear envelope)
  14. Nucleoplasm
  15. Nucleolus

Procedure - In Class

  1. Using the software of your choice, create a new document.
    1. On the first page, insert your picture of the animal cell. Add numbers (1 to 15) labelling the organelles.
    2. On the next page(s), fill in the following table for all 15 organelles.

      1  Cell membrane



  • Required Parts
    • Includes a picture with all 15 organelles
    • Names and descriptions of all 15 organelles
  • Picture
    • In focus
    • Clear, high contrast, and easy to understand
  • Names and Descriptions
    • All 15 rows of the table are completed

Required Parts
Names and Descriptions
1. Beginning Not complete
Very incomplete, and/or
low quality
Many mistakes and/or
missing entries
2. Developing -
A bit incomplete, and/or
not great quality
Some mistakes and/or
missing entries
3. Applying

4. Extending -
High artistic value, and/or
very communicative