Lab - Law of Conservation of Mass (Day 1)

Learning Intentions

  • To understand the Law of Conservation of Mass
  • To learn the distinction between an open system and a closed system


Open System, Closed System and Isolated System - Thermodynamics & Physics (3:06)

The law of conservation of mass - Todd Ramsey (4:36)

In-Class Questions

Answer the following questions in groups of 2, and then we will discuss the answers as a class.

  1. Classify each of the following as an open or closed system.
    1. An unopened can of pop
    2. An opened can of pop
    3. A boiling pot of water with no lid
    4. A boiling pot of water with a lid
    5. A cell phone
    6. A fish tank
    7. A car travelling down the road
    8. A house
    9. Vancouver
    10. The Sun
    11. The Earth
    12. Our solar system
    13. Our galaxy
    14. Our universe
  2. What is the difference between a closed system and an isolated system?
  3. What are some examples of isolated systems?

Lab Preparation

With your partner, create the hypothesis, materials, procedure, and ready-to-fill data tables for a lab to verify the Law of Conservation of Mass. The lab will examine the reaction between baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (weak acetic acid).

Tomorrow, we will discuss the procedures that everyone created, allow you time to refine your procedures, and then run the lab.