Assignment - Naming Ionic Compounds

Learning Intentions

  • To show that you know how to create ionic compounds
  • To show that you know how to name ionic compounds, and create their chemical formulas


  1. Choose 5 pairs of the following elements to create ionic compounds. You may not use the same element twice.
    1. Lithium, beryllium, boron, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, potassium, calcium, selenium, bromine, rubidium, strontium, iodine, cesium, barium, francium, radium
  2. For each pair, answer the following questions
    1. Which element will form the anion?
    2. What is the charge of the anion?
    3. Which element will form the cation?
    4. What is the charge of the cation?
    5. What is the chemical formula of the resulting compound?
    6. What is the chemical name of the resulting compound?


  • Accuracy (90%)
    • Includes 5 pairs of atoms, using 10 different atoms
    • Every pair includes an anion and a cation
    • The questions are answered properly for every pair of elements
  • Degree of difficulty (10%)
    • There are no two pairs of elements where the anion and cation have the same charge
    • Includes a pair where one element has a charge of +/- 3 and the other has a charge of +/- 2.