Project - Demonstrate a Safe Chemical Reaction

Part 1 - Choose a Group and Experiment

For this assignment, you and at most 1 partner will choose a safe reaction from the list below:

Part 2 - Prior to the Day of the Demonstration

  • Describe the reaction
    • Write out the chemical names of each reactant (chemical that is consumed in the reaction) and each product (chemical that is produced by the reaction).
    • For each reactant and product, identify it as an atom, covalent compound, ionic compound, or other molecule.
    • Write out the chemical equation for the reaction.
    • Is the reaction exothermic (releases energy) or endothermic (absorbs energy)?
  • Complete written lab procedures
    • Safety precautions
    • Equipment
    • Chemicals (reactants)
    • Step-by-step procedures
    • Clean-up instructions

You must complete everything above before you may get chemicals and attempt to record your demonstration.

  • Get chemicals from the teacher
  • Perform the lab, and make sure that it works properly
    • Record data - what amounts of each chemical did you use? How well did it work? What did you change to make it work better?
  • Record a video with your demonstration
    • Describe your group's work towards the final presentation - what worked well and what did not
    • Use your recorded data to show your work
    • Demonstration videos will be shown to the whole class


  • Required Parts
    • Description of reaction
    • Written procedures
    • Demonstration video
  • Accuracy
  • Scientific Process

Required Parts
Scientific Process
1. Beginning Missing some
Lots of mistakes
Poorly planned
and documented
2. Developing Missing a bit Some mistakes
3. Applying
Well planned
and documented
4. Extending
Very well planned
and documented