Eye Safety

Family Guy – Rubber band safety (0:24)

Simpsons – Spring Safety (4:23 - watch from 1:56 to 2:33)

Simpsons - My eyes! The goggles do nothing! (0:54)

Wear Protective Gear, Folks

Wear Protective Gear, Folks

Tug of War

The game of Tug of War, an Olympic sport from 1900 to 1920, is surprisingly dangerous when played with large groups of people. It has resulted in multiple deaths.

In Germany in 1995, two Boy Scouts died after the rope snapped in a 650-person Tug of War game. One was killed from the impact of the rope, and the other was crushed when everyone fell over.

Randall Munroe, author of the XKCD comic strip, estimates that it would take 2 teams of about 200 people to pull apart a piece of 1/2 inch rebar.

Picture of rebar.