Misinterpreting Glow Stick Experimental Procedures

Read over the following hypothesis and procedures. Notice that the language is not very precise, so it is not perfectly clear what should be done at each step.

In a group of 3, you must find a way to misinterpret the procedures as badly as possible, using the equipment in the classroom. After 15 minutes, each group will present a skit at the front of the class. Not every member of the group has to present the skit; at least 1 person does.


A glow stick in hot water will glow brighter than a glow stick in cold water, because the hot water increases the speed of the luminescent chemical reaction.


  1. Find two beakers, and fill one with hot water and the other with cold water.
  2. Measure the temperature of the hot and cold water.
  3. Crack 3 glow sticks. Put 1 in the hot water, put 1 in the cold water, and keep 1 in the air.
  4. Record the brightness of the glow sticks.